The TOTAL E-QUALITY association honored 59 organizations from across Germany for practicing equal opportunity and diversity in the workplace on October 25, 2022 in Erfurt. The TITK Group Rudolstadt received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for the third time since 2016. It recognizes companies and organizations from business, science and administration for their equal-opportunity human resources policies that are geared to current and future challenges.
Erfurt - The award winners demonstrate that equal opportunities and diversity are an integral part of their organizational culture. "They present themselves as attractive employers in the competition for committed, qualified specialists. Scientific institutions additionally highlight equal opportunities as a part of their excellence," said Dr. Ulla Weber, CEO of TOTAL E-QUALITY, at the award ceremony at COMCENTER Brühl in Erfurt.
The TITK-Group, consisting of the TITK - Thuringian Institute for Textile and Plastics Research Rudolstadt e.V. and the two companies OMPG - Ostthüringische Materialprüfgesellschaft für Textil und Kunststoffe mbH and smartpolymer GmbH, was awarded this title for the third time. It is valid for three years and is the result of an extensive application process.
The two chairmen of TOTAL E-QUALITY Germany, Udo Noack (left) and Dr. Ulla Weber (right), present the award for the TITK Group to Frauke Hirt, Human Resources Administrator, and Steffen Beikirch, Head of Corporate Communications. (Photo: Michael Voigt / TOTAL E-QUALITY)
Among other things, the jury's statement reads:
"The TITK Group sees equal opportunities in a holistic context. Based on the guiding goals of the United Nations' Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, the TITK Group has derived its own ambitious goals. It participates in the Thuringia Sustainability Agreement (NAThüringen), which also stands for equal opportunities in the regional framework. Accordingly, the goal is also anchored in the "Code of Conduct".
Almost all employees are involved in research activities and thus have good conditions for professional qualification and for cooperation with regional, national and international partners. The practiced equal opportunity includes equal and responsible positions for women and men in research and customer projects.
A culture free of discrimination, in which the individuality of each and every person is seen as an opportunity and all are treated with equal respect and esteem, is lived practice at the TITK Group and nevertheless remains a task area of constant sensitization."
According to the jury's verdict, the TITK Group is very well positioned in the area of equal opportunity personnel work. However, this field of action also poses the greatest challenges for the future, as an above-average number of employees will be retiring in the next few years.
In order to attract new employees, we are therefore working with regional partners to offer an overall package of attractive working conditions, housing, childcare and leisure opportunities for young families. To this end, the TITK Group is also focusing on options such as the employment of employees of retirement age.
The group of companies has placed particular emphasis on equal opportunities for men and women since 2012. In addition, there are numerous benefits for employees. For example, the Group offers various external and internal training courses for personnel development, e.g. English lessons or patent training. Employees are also supported in their doctoral studies, master craftsman training and the qualification of trainers.
Working hours are flexibly regulated where the task allows. Flexitime, part-time and home office are among the options. Attractive conditions exist for commuters in the form of a job ticket, and since this year a bicycle leasing scheme has also been offered to employees ("job bike").
The current certificate is available for viewing here.